Healthy Community

United Way is building healthier, more resilient communities by promoting healthy eating and physical activity, expanding access to quality health care and integrating health into early childhood development.

Healthy Communities Are Strong Communities

Good health is both a community responsibility and a community benefit: It goes beyond the individual choices we make. Its roots are in the neighborhoods we build and environments we inhabit. Being healthy isn’t just about personal diet and exercise choices. Healthy communities are ones that maintain parks and bike paths all across town, where all kids have access to safe playgrounds, eat healthy meals at school and engage in physical activity after school. Healthy communities support social innovations, like farmers' markets in low-wage neighborhoods to offer more access to fresh food.  Healthy communities are free of environmental toxins, where everyone has access to good medical care. Healthy communities foster an active lifestyle and encourage people to care for and support each other.

Helping people make choices that promote healthy lifestyles and broadening access to health care are only part of the solution. United Way is creating solutions that help everyone thrive, creating healthier communities that improve our collective quality of life.